When I was getting my Bachelor’s degree, I took an Entrepreneurship class. I must tell you that I am not a young person. I am a middle-aged man that still feels like I am 20 (in my mind only). So, this was a class at the time that was ahead of its time. Not many people took the class at first to really learn the principles, but just as a filler class. That was not the case with me. I saw this class offered and thought–hell yeah–best class ever.
We had a phenomenal professor for this class. He was a self-made successful business guru. By the end of the semester, I think everyone, at some level, got value out of that class. For me I was on cloud 9 for every class, assignment, and test. I ate it up.
Our Professor made a big deal out of finding your “Why” in life. What is your Why? Why do you want to build a business or take a certain job or career path? This was way before this became a popular idea.
One of our final assignments was a lengthy report on our Why. It had to be detailed, creative, and thoughtful. It had to include relationships we wanted, house, vehicles, business, career, etc. I saw in my life that I needed some career experience before taking on creating a new business. It gave me a “Why” when the job I had was tough. It kept me going knowing it was training me to someday step out on my own.
Your Why
Your “Why” can be so many things. But, I encourage all of us to find it. The big “Why” for me in my life right now is my family. The “Why” for building Limetree Labs is to support and build a legacy for my amazing family. I have an awesome supportive wife—Andrea. She brings peace to the storms I face. I have 3 kiddos. Charlotte, Skyler, and Sophia. They are the greatest gifts ever. Charlotte is our newest. She is just about 4 months old and helps fuel my “Why”. I just got the coolest mug (see the pic).
Let me end by saying I am totally copying Sara Blakely with this photo. I hope she doesn’t mind. I’m a huge fan of all she has done in her life. This mug was so awesome that I had to do the pic.