Welcome to advanced continuity! In the All Green series, I am reviewing each category Limetree Labs looks at for our customer’s IT health. If you missed the other posts, check them out here:
- All Green Intro
- IT Management
- IT Support
- Server Health
- Network Health
- Device Health
- Core Security
- Core Continuity
- Advanced Security
Category 9 – Advanced Continuity
In today’s digital world, company data is a crucial asset. As a result, a loss of your customer data could mean a considerable hardship for your business. The time necessary to repair your company after a disaster can have a significant negative impact on your business continuity.
Data backups are included in all of our core services. However, to minimize risk of significant downtime, data disaster recovery (or continuity) is an action plan to restore and integrate the data back into your systems.
Email Backup & Archive
With this service, we will set up all active mailboxes with licenses for backups and archive. Every 30 days, we test the backups to ensure they are healthy and easily restored. These archives are stored for at least 10 years.
Why would you need this you might ask? What if an employee accidentally deletes an email mailbox folder and doesn’t realize it for over 30 days? What if your business is sued and you need access to an email sent by a former employee? This could mean the difference between winning and losing a lawsuit. We know how email is the number one communication method these days and having those backed-up and archived is paramount to protecting you and you business in the future.
Online Backup Disaster Recovery Service
BDR, or Backup and Disaster Recovery, refers to the process of backing up data in case of a loss and setting up systems that allow that data recovery due to data loss. Data backup is a form of disaster recovery and should be part of any disaster recovery plan.
In case of data deletion or corruption, every organization needs a plan to get back up on their feet quickly with little to no downtime.
Desktop Backups
We include this service in both the Advanced Security and Advanced Continuity due to its extreme impact and importance. For continuity, desktop backups are are important in case of losing data through a computer malfunction or a hard drive that just dies one day. Just like that, all of those files you stored on your computer are gone in an instant with no way to recover the data. Don’t risk data loss. Your time is too valuable!
Continuity Plan
A business continuity plan is a plan to help ensure that business processes can continue during a time of emergency or disaster. Such emergencies might include a fire or any other case where business is not able to occur under normal conditions.
We create and delivery a continuity plan that is custom to your business. Every 90 days we review the plan and update with any changes to your IT environment. And, every 180 days, we run a test scenario to ensure the plan works as designed.
To wrap up, don’t put yourself into a position of “would’ve, could’ve, should’ve” with your data. It’s scary to think about, but losing data could literally be the ruin of your business. Even worse, your patients or clients health, legal stance, etc. could be severely impacted due to your negligence.
Put your mind at ease and take the small step to protect your organization. Call us today. 208-901-3350